Prior to this lesson on Religious Studies, as a solid believer of Buddhism, I had consistently considered religion to be a composed arrangement of beliefs for a higher spiritual being. I never really thought about the anthropology aspect of religion and how it could have influenced religion compared to theology towards people. Presently, I can comprehend and see that religion is considerably more convoluted than what it is. Human impacts, such as their experiences, environment, or customs can form our beliefs and ultimately, affect our behavior and thoughts. I am enlightened to learn more about religious studies and how one’s way of life and conduct can be an effect on religion which allows it to have a much broader sense of understanding of Religious Studies and the connection to people.
My preparations for my performance worked well solely from having a basic understanding of what religion was beforehand and taking the time to read the articles and watch the videos provided to get a more in-depth grasp of Religious Studies. I feel like next time I should take notes of important details and incorporated them into my writing.